you are worthy of love signage on brown wooden post taken

Self Love is Rad(ical)

Podcast to go along with today’s blog, for the auditory learners out there
  • Earlier this week I watched a Radical self love video by Jubilee, which encouraged me to share my own thoughts about this topic. In the video she talks about having to show up for her self before being able to show up for others. This made me think, what is my definition of radical self love? and why is it radical to love yourself in world that has forgotten all about love?
  • So I gave myself this week to focus on self love and what that means to me beyond the regular doing my hair, taking salt baths and my day to day self care practices. Writing this now I am realizing that there is a difference between Self love and Self care, why is this difference not talked about more?
  • Getting to the root of what Self love is, outside of caring for ones needs, can help you cultivate more loving energy within. If loving yourself goes beyond making sure you are cared after, then what is left over? Well…
  1. Self Love is Rad because it requires you to speak positively towards yourself and others. Words are powerful, they carry thought into form and therefore bring thoughts to life. Being mindful of the words you surround yourself with, whether it’s from music, a podcast or tv show, is important. All of what you say and expose yourself to becomes a blueprint for your subconscious to learn from and adapt to. So why not say nice things to yourself, positive affirmations, instead of beating yourself down.
  2. To be loving of yourself is to honor your word as a way of showing yourself that you believe in the words that you speak, enough to put action behind what you say.
  3. Radical self love means that your sovereignty and authentic expression are never jeopardized out of fear or to make others more comfortable.
  4. Self love means to forgive your past selves for what they did not know 
  5. Self love is to remain curious and open to new knowledge (no matter the form it presents itself) 
  6. Self love is removing pressure that stems from expectations that are external to yourself 
  7. Self love is to shoot for a higher self, a higher frequency each and everyday
  8. Self love is to BE Loving because as human beings we are manifestations of love, to be anything other than that is to go against nature 
  • I hope these were helpful as you continue forming your own definitions of radical self love.
  • To answer the second question I posed at the start of today’s blog, I’d say that self love is radical because it calls for people to turn within instead of relying on external beings or things to give you what you already have. Once you tap into the abundant source of love that you are, meaning can be found in even the smallest of things.

The next time someone asks if you love yourself, I hope you can say “Yes I do, isn’t it rad?”

Thank you for reading

Till next time, Lee Sunshine