InBliss, a state of being

I try to see the Beauty in everything 
How could you not
 when God's creations are everywhere 
The sun in the sky
grass beneath my feet 
Feeling grounded
Rooted in the I am, that I am 
Nature is what I am
InBliss is where I tend to be 
InBliss I am free 
flowing through life with a stillness 
joy meeting me at every turn 
peace within mind
a heart filled with gratitude 
InBliss is where I want to be 
here right now 
find bliss 
when my mind strays
or a cloud overhangs
I remember InBliss is where I want to be 
so I say hello to the clouds
embracing the now, what is
 instead of what I wish not to be 
InBliss I find peace in my reality 
no stress, just happiness
through Faith in the most high 
God holds my hand as I walk along my path 
Keeping in stride
InBliss is where I Am 

-Lee Sunshine (2023)

Podcast featuring a live reading of the poem and discussion about the poems contents
Video version of the Podcast

Affirmations to lift you UP


Episode 2: You Too Are A Lovelee Being

Saying kind words to myself everyday is one of the ways I have transformed my life. I am a firm believer in the power of spoken word, in this episode I share some of my own affirmations and reflect on why I chose these words to lift me up everyday. For some fun context I recorded this episode in a local park near my home in West side Chicago, IL. As I was sitting in the park a family of ducks were migrating to the other side of the land and it really added to the moment for me.

This year involved a lot of firsts in my life and saying affirmations on a daily basis, even when I didn’t feel like it, was a major first. I consider myself an optimistic person so saying positive things seemed easy enough but I quickly learned that there is much more to affirming ones self than the words alone. All of what we say, our words, have strength and the intention behind them is what really makes the impact that is felt. Wether you believe what you are affirming to be true or not, starting with the words and then flowing into the embodiment of what they mean can create a whole new world of meaning.. This flow is what carries the affirmation from our mind and into our hearts. I am still in the practice of really accepting the flow for what it is. Below I included the affirmations I discuss in this episode. I hope they lift you up and inspire you to create some affirmations of your own.


I am that I am, nothing more nothing less. I am me, blessed. Bless

I can inspire others just by being myself, I am enough

Everything happening now is happening for my ultimate good, everyday I am growing

In this moment and in all moments I am exactly where I am supposed to be

Available of Spotify, Apple podcast, and more!

As Always love and sunshine, Peace

-Lee Sunshine

Out of the Box


Like many 20 somethings, I’ve been going through a lot of internal changes these past couple of years. No one really talks about life after 21, its like society expects people to only celebrate a few of the milestones of youth. But I am discovering that so much lies beyond 21, becoming a 21 year old was just the icing. Your 20s provide you with all the ingredients to the cake.

As I step more and more into my being and who I am, I notice more of what has been given to me and what it is that I would like to keep. When you’re growing up, a lot is told to you. A lot is suggested to you as well, because we learn from example. What I am now embracing is all that lies beyond the box that was given to me. I no longer wish to exist within the confines of the box that I came to be very comfortable in. Getting outside of the box for me simply means that I am not restricting who I am to what I have been told about my being. Life doesn’t stop after you turn 21, you keep growing. More growth probably than ever before, at least for me. This past year I followed my heart and gave myself a chance to live my life on my own terms. Realizing I was still sticking to the status quo of my old life felt frustrating at times, like a “why am I being like this” kind of vibes.

I stopped putting the pressure on myself to be the way that I had been taught and began asking myself; who am I? what do I value, why? what makes my heart sing? A lot of the answers I found existed so far beyond the world I’d been brought up in; Education comes first and holds all the magical answers to life, go to college, get a job, be “successful” in terms that I hadn’t even established but instead adhered to out of habit and obligation.

Once I became still enough to hear what I truly wanted out of this life, I could do nothing except follow the changes that found me. Now I am here, presently living the life I imagined when I was a child. A life I knew was possible but lost touch with once the box found its way around me.

Sometimes it has felt hard for me to be this new version of myself 24/7, because I spent 22 years living in survival mode. I am living life outside of the box now and its pretty cool out here. Choice is out here, love is out here, freedom is out here, bless.